Thursday, January 17, 2013

Major: Computer Science
Topics: how computers are made, how they run and inner workings

The reason for these topics would be to find out how computers work and can help so many industries in calculation whether it be for medical purposes or space exploration. The expansion of technology is too much for all fields but the ability to figure one out peaks my interest. No formal training just what i've taught myself.

1943: during world war II, british scientist Alan Turing designs the collosus, an electronic computer created for the military to break German codes. the computer existence is kept secret until the 1970's

1945:John Van Neumann poses in front of the electronic computer built at the institute for advanced study. this computer and its von neumann architecture served as the prototype for subsequent stored program computers worldwide.

1952:Dr. Grace Hopper considers the concept of reusable software in her paper,"The Education of a computer." the paper describes how to program a computer symbolic language instead of machine language.

1959:more than 200 programming languages have been created.

1959:IBM introduces two smaller, desk sized computers: the IBM 1401 for business and the IBM 1620 for scientists.

1953: core memory developed in the early 1950's provides much larger storage capacity than vacuum tube memory.

1969: the ARPANET network is established, which eventually grows to become the internet.

1975: MITS, Inc advertises one of the first microcomputers, the Altair. the Altair is sold in kits for less than $400 and within the first three months 4,000 orders are taken.

1981: the first computer virus, Elk Cloner, is spread via Apple II floppy disks, which contained the operating system.

1983:instead of choosing a person for its annual award, TIME magazine names the computer The Machine of the Year.

Bill Gates founded Microsoft-programming began at 13 years of age. Created BASIC for MITS Altair. one of the first microcomputers MS-DOS.
tom anderson founded myspace. sold the business for $580 million. it was sold to Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.
Amazon online shopping founded by Jeff Bezos in 1995.
In the first 30 days of business he fulfilled orders from every US state and 45 additional countries.
1977:Apple II first mass marketed personal computer,
the Macintosh was introduced in 1984

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